Dr. Iris K. Barrett
Founder, "The Word is My Life" Training Ministry
A Sanctuary and Counseling Ministry for the Soul
A ministry that strengthens the body of Christ to fulfill a glorious life of purpose in Him!
Welcome to “The Word is My Life” Training Ministry!
God bless you! My name is Dr. Iris Barrett. Let me introduce you to “The Word is My Life” Training Ministry. This ministry’s purpose is to add souls to God’s Kingdom and nourish them.
Are you facing life challenges? Do you have unfinished business from your past? This ministry specializes in helping people at a crossroads find clarity, hope, and direction.
Are you floundering in your faith, desiring to establish a deeper relationship with God? This ministry is for you! My life’s purpose is to build up the body of Christ. Know that God intends for His people to be a royal priesthood and holy nation (1 Peter 2:9).
Is your life’s path unclear? Do you wonder how God might use your life and story? As an adult educator, God has gifted me to help believers find their way forward in the faith with the Word as a lamp to their feet and a light to their path (Ps. 119:105). Let’s move forward together!
Who am I? I am an encourager, minister, teacher, mentor, and intercessor assigned by God to bless His people. It would be my honor to help you overcome hurts that have hindered you, assist you in building a life-giving relationship with God, and/or help you uncover your purpose in Christ! Please read these testimonials!
Are you ready to move forward? Review the materials and resources on this site, and reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you!
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