VIDEOS: This is Just Iris!

Elevate Your Focus ~ Run Your Race
Believers have a powerful commission to run the race already laid out for them. Jesus did! To run our race well, we must elevate our focus. Look up! I share about a Godly man in the Bible who rose above the heaviness of his circumstances to “see God.”His understanding was enlightened. Run well!
The New Year: What if I Draw Near?
God seeks to bless His people. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says He wants to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are His! Let this new year be the year you are found most faithful to Him! How? By making time in your life for God’s Word, prayer, giving thanks, and speaking of Him openly. It is God’s good pleasure to give His people the Kingdom! So let’s be people who draw near to Him wholeheartedly with courage. Also, reach out if this ministry might help you move forward in your faith in this new year!
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