The Word Is My Life

"The Word is My Life" Training Ministry


This unique ministry exists to strengthen the body of Christ, bringing God’s people into alignment with Him! God has shaped my heart and life to serve those who desire to grow in Christ. He has also gifted me with the ability to skillfully apply His Word and prayer in a way that moves people forward. Do you discern that it’s your time? Are you losing your grip on hope? Well, let’s get started! Hope and compassion await you. I guarantee you will be refreshed!

Do you …

~ desire to grow as a follower of Christ and want to learn how?

~ want to find your purpose and pursue God’s plan for your life?

~ want to engage with God’s Word to learn how it applies to you, breaks chains that bind your soul, gives understanding that strengthens you, and brings hope that frees you? 

Well, you’ve come to the right place. This ministry is a sanctuary for the heart and soul. You will find God’s love and compassion abundantly available. You will also be challenged and encouraged to pursue Christ, rest in God, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in His eternal way.

First, if you’re ready to move forward, review some of the testimonials from others who’ve experienced this ministry and found answers for their lives. 

Second, let me share a bit about counseling ministry.

Counseling Ministry …

  • Embraces God’s Word and rests upon the knowledge that God is present in the midst of believers who seek Him (Matt. 18:20).
  • Guides you in understanding how God’s Word applies to your life and future.
  • Builds an affirming, supportive relationship that fosters growth as we engage together.  
  • Addresses life misalignment, which is a disconnect that occurs when our steps do not follow God’s Word or the leading of His Spirit.
  • Draws upon your insights and life experiences. 
  • Includes prayer that provides strength and encouragement for your heart.
  • Helps you gain clarity and hope regarding your life’s purpose and next steps.

I’m here for you! Allow me to make decades of experience in adult development available to you!

Your time is now!

Talk Wisdom

Third …

Please email me to introduce yourself. Let me know why you’re reaching out, and I’ll respond. 

If we agree to proceed, schedule a session at your convenience. Our session can be held by phone, over Zoom, or in person. Decide today to move past fear or any other hindrance. Your time is now!

Contact Dr. Barrett for rates and packages!

Single 30-Minute Discussion Session

Schedule a time to speak with me for encouragement and life direction. Book your session at the link above!


God bless you as you take steps to move forward in your life. Ever onward, ever forward …