The Word Is My Life

A Grateful Heart Brings Blessings

The life of a believer in Christ is miraculous! Once-stony hearts can soften by the grace of God. Consider the Apostle Paul, earlier named then Saul. He killed early church Christians with fury (Acts 9:1-2). His heart dramatically changed after an encounter with Christ on the Damascus Road. Paul’s life did an about-face. Instead of

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Thriving in the Body of Christ

Before the foundation of the world, God determined that He would have a family. Read more in “How Are We the Body of Christ?” on this site. God’s family would be a body of believers who would bless the earth as kings and priests unto Him (Rev. 1:5-6). He also lovingly chose us and adopted

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Jesus, Cleanse My Heart

Let’s discuss foundations of the faith for believers, particularly change and transformation. If you are serious about serving Christ and living for Him, you will experience much change on your Christian journey. Romans 12:2 (NLT) says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing

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The Mindset to Triumph in Trial

In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote words that resonate with us today: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Sadly, we now experience crises that overlap each other. Many in our nation ask hard questions: “How do we move forward when an uncertain future is all we see? How do we stay stable in a

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Prayer: Finding My Way to God

In these unsettling times, most believers in Christ understand the importance of prayer. But how many believers are confident in how to pray? We’ll look here at some foundations about prayer: What does the Bible say about prayer? What is its purpose? How do I understand God’s will in order to pray it? And what

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