The Word Is My Life

"The Word is My Life" Training Ministry

Build a Life in Christ: In God’s Word

kid with Bible
John 6:63 – It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

The Mindset to Triumph in Trial

In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote words that resonate with us today: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Sadly, we now experience crises that overlap each other. Many in our nation ask hard questions: “How do we move forward when an uncertain future is all we see? How do we stay stable in a […]

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In Genesis 15:1, God spoke to Abram and said, “I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” God declared that His presence in Abram’s life would be all he’d need. God continues to declare the sufficiency of His presence to believers today. Throughout the Bible, He tells us that He is a refuge for us – our

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Praying the Word for DIRECTION

  The Word of God encourages us that God knows every detail of our lives. For example, Luke 12:7 says, “The very hairs of your head are all numbered.” If God cares about us intimately enough to number the hairs on our heads, He knows the direction in which we are to go at every turn in

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The Word of God – Our Rock

Blessings to you!  It seems of late that I have written often about times that try men’s souls and a great shaking in our day. God has blessed me to live over half a century, and I have never seen times of such uncertainty and heaviness.  In spite of all we encounter, there is hope

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Words of LIFE

The Bible is a book of instruction and also a book of great encouragement and hope. Allow these scriptures to encourage you today. They are words of life and represent God’s heart of love for you and your future. You can be successful in life. Why? Because the Word of God says, “I can do all things

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