The Word Is My Life

Encouraged in FAITH

God’s plan is for you to move forward in Him. The Word of God reveals this: “For in him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28a). God is a God of increase, and as you open your heart to Him in faith and live for Him, He pours out of Himself into you. You will experience growth in grace, love, joy, goodness toward others, and the capacity to do His will. Yielding to His purpose and resting in it opens up a walk of life you never would have imagined for yourself. I know this to be true.The walk of faith is a walk of blessing!  

As Christians, we must arise and step up in these areas: 1) our relationship with God and time spent with Him in prayer and the Word; 2) our relationship with believers (the church); and 3) our personal decision to live a life (a righteous life) that pleases God. Our faith should be accompanied by action.

If this is your desire, please pray the following: 

Lord God, I desire you to increase within me. Your Word in John 3:30 says that You must increase, and I must decrease. My heart’s desire is to grow in the knowledge of God so I may walk in Your ways. My heart’s cry is that my relationship with You, Father, grows stronger, that my prayer life grows deeper, and that my Word life increases richly. Show me how to love fellow believers and my fellow man in general for that is the fruit of the Spirit in my life. Lead me in your righteousness so I may live holy – I desire to please You. Father God, I need your help, your strength, and your ability. Live through me, and do for me what only You can do. I give my life to You for Your glory — this is my reasonable act of service. I exalt you, Father.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen. 

If you do not know Jesus and desire salvation, click here and also here for an explanation of salvation and a prayer to receive Jesus as your Savior.  I also have a study found on this site entitled “Salvation and the Holy Spirit.” Find it here.